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In Focus

Why You Need a Creative Agency—Even If You Have an In-house Team

By Gabriela DiCristoforo on Nov 15, 2018 2:10:05 PM

We all get blocked sometimes. More specifically, creatively blocked. And it feels like the more we fight it, the more frustrated we become—especially when we’re juggling a million and one items on our to-do list (and they’re all due yesterday).

So why keep struggling when you can save time, talent and even money…AND get better results?

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The Secret to More Inspiring Photography

By Melissa Simmerman on Nov 13, 2018 10:38:14 AM

Want more authentic results from your photo shoot? There’s a secret to creating more intentional photography, and it has nothing to do with how you plan or produce the actual shoot (that’s logistics—which is an art in and of itself).

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Want Better Creative in Less Time? Follow These Five Rules.

By Melissa Simmerman on Oct 8, 2018 3:55:32 PM

"Do more with less." It's not just a polite request—it's expected from everyone, all the time. Consequently, we all have a slash-this and slash-that in our job titles. Which means that no matter your background, if you’re in marketing, you’ll be asked to assign, comment on, and approve creative work at some point. 

When presenting creative to our client partners, we often hear the following questions from them: What am I looking at? What should I react to? What kind of feedback are you looking for?

If those questions sound familiar, follow our five rules to get the best creative work from your partners and team—without spending a ton of time on back-and-forth emails or rounds of revisions. (Fortunately, a degree in graphic design, fine art, or creative writing is not required.)

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