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In Focus

Jamie Bibb

Jamie Bibb, Director of Marketing at Kreber, geeks out over three things: how we use data to make marketing decisions; the power of the connected marketing techstack; and the 360-degree view of sales and marketing gained from both. With more than 20 years of experience in B2B marketing communications, she helps the agency connect with more clients and grow in its areas of expertise. A novice quilter, Jamie loves her paper planner and traveling to her kids' activities.

Recent Posts

The Buyer’s Journey and the Content Along the Way

By Jamie Bibb on Nov 30, 2022 8:00:00 AM


The journey of a potential customer and the pieces of content they consume along the way is a subject near and dear to my heart, and it makes the cogs in my brain start to turn.

When I am researching products and services, I always look at the content being served to me at various points during my journey. Let’s explore the buyer’s journey from the beginning of research to making a purchase.

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How Brand Activation Can Activate Bottom-Line Success

By Jamie Bibb on Nov 15, 2022 8:00:00 AM


The importance of developing a strong, singularly focused  brand cannot be understated. Considering that today it takes shoppers a whopping 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about a brand, maintaining your unique voice in the marketplace is more important than ever before.

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12 Things I Learned at Content Marketing World

By Jamie Bibb on Oct 11, 2022 8:00:00 AM


I recently had the pleasure of attending Content Marketing World, the industry’s largest gathering of content marketing professionals. This conference is different from others as the content is presented by brand practitioners who share their trials, tribulations, and successes with attendees. Below I highlighted the things I took away and hope you find some things that help you in your content marketing journey.

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