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In Focus

Melissa Simmerman

Melissa Simmerman is a brand fangirl, quintessential Virgo, and writer with 20 years' experience in marketing. As the Director of Creative Strategy for Kreber, she does a lot of research, makes a lot of presentations, and views a lot of situations as character-building exercises. Trolls make her sad; her kids make her happy.

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Fuel your campaigns with enough creative assets – here’s how

By Melissa Simmerman on May 24, 2022 8:30:58 AM


It’s Spring/Summer. Do you know what your BIG IDEA for Holiday is and what the campaign content to support it looks like?

If you're struggling to get ahead — don't fret. Many retailers feel like they're always behind in their planning and execution. But the fight is worth it! Holiday is, after all, the biggest revenue season of the year for many retail categories.

You Deserve To Get Ahead (With Your Marketing)

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The Strategy Your B2B Marketing Is Missing

By Melissa Simmerman on Sep 8, 2021 3:46:46 PM

Right person, right message, right time. 

This formula is the backbone of all marketing, right? If I can reach the people most likely to buy my product, with a message that moves them out of need or emotion, at the moment when they are most receptive to that message, I’ve got myself some paying customers. 

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It’s Time to Review Why You’re In Business

By Melissa Simmerman on Jul 14, 2021 5:39:47 PM

In early 2020, many businesses struggled with how to react and respond to the pandemic. It was hard to seem empathetic without being disingenuous; humor didn’t feel “ok” until recently; and appearing to want to make money off struggling consumers just felt plain wrong. 

For some organizations, though, it took little time to find the right thing to do, like when well-known restaurants pivoted to feeding the community when they couldn’t serve patrons. For others, there was no playbook for operating outside business as usual.

Why was that? It’s all about values

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