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In Focus

Marisa Catalino

Marisa is a Senior Content Strategist and Writer for Kreber in Columbus, OH. She’s a whiz at all things content, inbound marketing, and dogs. She’s also a card-carrying Oxford comma supporter; don’t @ her.

Recent Posts

Do You Have an Abandoned Cart Email Strategy?

By Marisa Catalino on Aug 19, 2019 5:31:54 PM

If you’ve ever shopped online, you’ve probably received several (but more likely hundreds) of abandoned cart emails. You know, a friendly reminder that you’ve left an item in your online shopping cart and just maybe, if you’re lucky, a little incentive to go through with the purchase.

Would it shock you to know that not every retailer has an abandoned cart email strategy in place? Because it’s true (more on that in part II). 

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How to Optimize Your B2B Website: Best Practices

By Marisa Catalino on Jun 6, 2019 4:55:19 PM

In part one of this series, Why so Many B2B Websites Suffer, we discussed the myriad reasons B2B websites can turn out...less than ideal. In this follow up, we’ll get into a few of the best practices you can adopt to start seeing results and achieving business goals with your site.

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How to Write With SEO in Mind

By Marisa Catalino on May 9, 2019 2:01:47 PM

Picture this scene: You’ve come up with the perfect blog post topic or idea for a new addition to your website. So you sit down at the computer and start writing. And before you know it, you’ve been on a typing rampage for an hour and the piece is complete. But you’re probably missing one thing…

Are you sure this is what your audience wants to read? And if so, how are they going to get there?

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