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In Focus

Marisa Catalino

Marisa is a Senior Content Strategist and Writer for Kreber in Columbus, OH. She’s a whiz at all things content, inbound marketing, and dogs. She’s also a card-carrying Oxford comma supporter; don’t @ her.

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How to Harness the Power of Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

By Marisa Catalino on Apr 11, 2019 4:22:36 PM

There are literally over 3 billion internet searches happening every single day. Do you know how to make your content stand out from the rest in organic search results?

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What Makes a Great Ecommerce Welcome Email?

By Marisa Catalino on Mar 15, 2019 11:56:06 AM

Here's a familiar situation: You're eyeing something interesting online that you might want to buy, so you sign up for the email newsletter—something that might just offer a discount code or special access to a sale. After you click “submit,” the anticipation grows.

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Shopper Intent: How to Capture Leads with Inbound for Ecomm

By Marisa Catalino on Feb 21, 2019 12:20:40 PM

Inbound marketing is all about nurturing customers who aren’t immediately ready to buy, so why wouldn’t an ecommerce company take advantage of this? Well, it’s easy to overlook—and also easy to miss the mark. We’ve already established three reasons why inbound marketing is crucial for ecomm, and now we’ll explore how to make the most of it: by focusing on shopper intent.

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