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In Focus

Should Your Brand Jump on the Podcast Advertising Bandwagon?

By Rob Mixer on Feb 21, 2020 4:16:46 PM

We’re not joking when we say there’s a podcast for everyone.

There’s a separate conversation about whether there are *too many* podcasts, but we won’t get into that (as much as we’d like to). There is one aspect of podcasting that, aside from the booming industry itself, is also starting to take off. And that would be advertising.

Topics: Podcasts
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How a Studio Takes Your Photography Game to the Next Level—and Solves Some Common Problems

By Rob Mixer on Feb 18, 2020 6:37:28 PM

It’s important to get this out there: Photography is no small task.

Shout-out to those nodding in agreement after reading this, or letting out “a little louder for the people in the back!” in their heads. Photography is one of the most critical elements of branding and content creation, yet it’s often one of the most underestimated. 

Topics: Photography
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The Content Marketing Mix that Will Drive Results for Your Brand

By Rob Mixer on Feb 5, 2020 4:43:25 PM

Maybe you own a business. Or you run marketing for your company. Could be you’re simply looking to find the best way to balance your efforts and get the message out. If it was a piece of cake, everyone would do it, right?

But unfortunately, it’s not that easy. The good news is that we’re here to help and make sense of marketing in a time when it seems like there are endless options, technologies, and tactics. 

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