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In Focus

Trends We’re Watching For at KBIS 2020

By Gabriela DiCristoforo on Jan 17, 2020 6:47:31 PM

Happy trade show season! Next up, KBIS 2020. 

We’re gearing up to join the 30,000+ attendees flocking to Las Vegas for the National Kitchen & Bath Show.

As North America’s largest trade show dedicated to all aspects of kitchen and bath design, there’s certainly a lot to love! With 600 exhibitors boasting state-of-the-art booths and dazzling home innovations, here are a few of the trends we’re most excited to see—and why you should be too.

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The Technology You Need to Elevate Your Online Experience

By Rob Mixer on Jan 8, 2020 9:34:00 PM

The way brands use content marketing to showcase products has evolved dramatically in the last 10–15 years.

In previous Kreber blogs, we’ve covered the various ways in which this evolution has materialized: everything from enhanced product content, to Amazon product pages, to brand campaigns and social media...and yet, there’s so much more. From this research and analysis, we can conclude one overarching theme, and it’s that customers now (more than ever before) crave and expect tailored, customized shopping experiences.

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How Brands Can Win Last-Minute Christmas Shoppers

By Rob Mixer on Dec 19, 2019 2:05:02 PM

“Did you finish your shopping?”

This time of year, that phrase is not quite so much small talk as it is panic inducing. 

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