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In Focus

Do You Have an Abandoned Cart Email Strategy?

By Marisa Catalino on Aug 19, 2019 5:31:54 PM

If you’ve ever shopped online, you’ve probably received several (but more likely hundreds) of abandoned cart emails. You know, a friendly reminder that you’ve left an item in your online shopping cart and just maybe, if you’re lucky, a little incentive to go through with the purchase.

Would it shock you to know that not every retailer has an abandoned cart email strategy in place? Because it’s true (more on that in part II). 

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Appliance Shopping: The Best (and Worst) E-commerce Experiences

By Rob Mixer on Aug 16, 2019 1:04:08 PM

You’re used to hearing that it’s the “holiday shopping season.”

And you know when “back-to-school shopping” is coming up. 

We’re conditioned to be mindful of the major shopping dates on the calendar, which only further increases the hype – and the pressure on brands and retailers to make sure they have better deals than their competitors. And as we’re now approaching the peak of appliance shopping season (yes, it’s a real thing) in September and October, we’ve covered in this series’ first two blogs both the trends and approaches we’ve seen from major brands, and taken a deeper dive at two of the biggest names in the game.

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Shopper Insights: How Couples Pick Appliances for Their Registries

By Kyle Collins on Aug 12, 2019 8:05:39 PM

When it comes to small appliances, there are gadgets and gizmos aplenty (to quote The Little Mermaid), but shoppers are smart about what products they let become a part of their world (c’mon, I had to).

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