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In Focus

A DIY Approach to Enhanced Brand Content

By Kyle Collins on Aug 24, 2020 5:21:23 PM

With more than half of online purchases happening there, Amazon is the Disruptor in Chief for many retailers and brands. Stores are finding that they have only two options: evolve or perish. While some are closing their doors, others are finding interesting tactics to serve their customers in fresh ways. Evolution, not apocalypse, remember?
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How Enhanced Brand Content Copy Can Be Best-in-Class

By Rob Mixer on Aug 17, 2020 9:18:57 AM

The modern consumer exists in a saturated, competitive marketplace. One breeze through the Amazon app or any major online marketplace will reveal the mind-boggling number of brands that sell the same or similar products.

That means there’s a lot of noise. One way you can cut through the clutter is by focusing on a tried-and-true element that’s been a key to great marketing since, well, forever: the words you use.

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Reopened Retail in NYC: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By Kyle Collins on Jul 30, 2020 10:36:16 PM

New York City allowed brick-and-mortar retail stores to open back up at the end of June. As the month went on, more and more shoppers ventured out, masks in place, to see just what it is like to shop in-person in these (still) uncertain times.

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