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In Focus

A Kitchen, a Patio, a Porch, a Garage…Does Your Photography Studio Have All This?

By Melissa Simmerman on May 13, 2021 3:22:30 PM

Just when you thought nothing could surprise you anymore, you get an estimate for a basement remodel. $$$!!! Thanks to the pandemic, demand for office sheds, multi-room additions, in-ground pools, backyard oases, and more has surged. 

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A Case Study in Successful B2B Product Launches

By Rob Mixer on Apr 20, 2021 8:59:28 AM

Product launches are a big deal.

Each is an opportunity for a business to peel back the curtain and show the world what its teams have been working on. All the research, legwork, development...you name it. It rises to the surface when a product is ready to go to market.

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Your B2B product is ready to launch. Now what?

By Melissa Simmerman on Apr 7, 2021 12:17:29 PM

At long last, your new product is ready to launch. We can only imagine the blood, sweat, and tears it took to get here. The countless meetings, the R&D, the product testing, the customer surveys, the delays (Gartner says only 55% of product launches actually take place on schedule), the investment (!!). For our clients, it can be a long, intense process—and just when it seems the hard part is over, you have to think about...marketing the product. 

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