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In Focus

Modest Video Budget? Here’s How to Maximize It.

By Kreber Staff on Apr 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

You know what your B2B company needs? 


Of course you know that. Video marketing has an extremely high engagement rate, and, when done well, can drive desired viewer behavior, raise awareness, and change how your brand or product is perceived.

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Digital Shelf: 6 Ways to Drive Sales Up...Way Up!

By Kyle Collins on Mar 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Consumers have more shopping options than ever before: more products from more brands and more platforms on which to buy them. If you’re like most of the marketing and creative team leads we talk to, you already know how difficult it is to provide the content everywhere it’s needed!

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CGI Trends and Myths to Help Marketers

By Jamie Bibb on Feb 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Computer-generated imagery (CGI) has been around for decades; however, in recent years CGI has taken a front seat for marketing materials. Today we will unveil some of the ways in which our clients use CGI. Additionally, we’ve included a link to a new white paper debunking myths about CGI and further discussing how it can be used in marketing.

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